API Description

This api is based on RESTful principles. So you can access it through normal http requests.

API Security

For security, a basic realm authentication is required, except graphics. Graphics are covered in the next section.

You need to obtain a token: these token then is used to authentication, so you have to authenticate with your username of landportal.info and with the generated token as the password. This token is generated when you register yourself in the landportal website, so you can access this token in your account info.

API Structure

Api is divided in two main sections: entities and graphics.

  • Entities are normal elements that make sense alone in Landportal context. Also they can be mixed up in order to give more complex data.
  • Graphics are visual representations of the data e.g., bar chart of women holders in different countries. They can be customized by the user and even sent to another user that will see the customized graph.

API Usage


The entities available are the next:

Represents a country like Italy, France, Spain and so on.
Represents a region like Europe or America and it has other regions or countries belonging to it. There is an special region called ‘global’ with un_code 1, it represents all the world.
Represents a set of data grouped by the same criteria, e.g.: Women Holders, it contains various observations for various countries.
Represents a data observed or recollected in a moment or period of time
Represents a source of data
Represents an organization that provides data
Represents a collection of datasets
Represents a set of indicators with observations
Represents a value for an observation
Represents a common topic among various indicators

As said before, api is based in RESTful principles, therefore, you can make a petition with your browser or curl, like:

curl landportal.info/api/countries?format=json

Formats availabe through the format argument are: JSON, XML, CSV and JSONP. If none of them is suplied the API will look into the Accept header for some of the following: application/json, application/xml, text/csv or application/javascript. If neither the format argument nor the Accept header are provided the API will response in JSON format.

In the next table you can see all the URLs defined that you can access with a short description and arguments to modify the result. Variables in the URL are surrounded by ‘<’ and ‘>’:

URI Description Arguments
landportal.info/api/countries All countries  
landportal.info/api/countries/<iso3> Country with given iso3  
landportal.info/api/indicators All indicators  
landportal.info/api/indicators/<id> Indicator with the given id  
landportal.info/api/indicators/<id>/top Top observations of the given indicator with highest values top: number of results
landportal.info/api/indicators/<id>/average Average of given indicator  
landportal.info/api/indicators/<id>/compatible Show compatible indicators to the one given  
landportal.info/api/users All users  
landportal.info/api/users/<id> User with the given id  
landportal.info/api/organizations All organizations  
landportal.info/api/organizations/<id> Organization with the given id  
landportal.info/api/organizations/<id>/users Users of the given organization  
landportal.info/api/organizations/<organization_id>/users/<user_id> User with the given id of the given organization  
landportal.info/api/countries/<iso3>/indicators Indicators of the given country  
landportal.info/api/countries/<iso3>/indicators/<indicator_id> Given indicators of the given country  
landportal.info/api/observations/<id_first_filter>/<id_second_filter> Observations of a region and an indicator or a country and an indicator limit: max number of results, offset: initial gap not to be returned
landportal.info/api/observations/<id_first_filter>/<id_second_filter>/average Average of the observations, same as above one  
landportal.info/api/observations/<iso3>/starred Observations of a country if the indicator is starred limit: max number of results, offset: initial gap not to be returned
landportal.info/api/regions All regions  
landportal.info/api/regions/<un_code> Region with the given un code  
landportal.info/api/regions/<id>/countries Countries that are part of the given region  
landportal.info/api/regions/<id>/countries/<iso3> Country with the given iso3 and is part of the given region  
landportal.info/api/regions/<id>/regions Regions that are part of the given region  
landportal.info/api/datasources All datasources  
landportal.info/api/datasources/<id> Datasource with the given id  
landportal.info/api/datasets All datasets  
landportal.info/api/datasets/<id> Dataset with the given id  
landportal.info/api/datasources/<id>/indicators Indicators of the given datasource  
landportal.info/api/datasets/<id> Dataset with the given id  
landportal.info/api/datasources/<id>/indicators/<indicator_id> Indicator with the given id of the given datasource  
landportal.info/api/values All values  
landportal.info/api/values/<id> Value with the given id  
landportal.info/api/measurement_units All measurement units  
landportal.info/api/measurement_units/<id> Measurement unit with the given id  
landportal.info/api/topics All topics  
landportal.info/api/topics/<id> Topic with the given id  
landportal.info/api/topics/<topic_id>/indicators Indicators of the given topic  
landportal.info/api/topics/<topic_id>/indicators/<indicator_id> Indicator with the given id of the given topic  
landportal.info/api/regions/<region_id>/countries_with_data Countries that are part of the given region and have observations  
landportal.info/api/countries/<iso3>/last_update Date of the country last update  
landportal.info/api/indicators/<id>/<iso3>/last_update Date of the country last update for the given indicator  
landportal.info/api/observations/<id> Observations of a country, indicator or region limit: max number of results, offset: initial gap not to be returned
landportal.info/api/observations/<id>/range Observations of a country, indicator or region, betwenn two dates from: beginning date of the interval, to: final date of the interval
landportal.info/api/indicators/<id>/range Observations of the given indicator between two dates from: beginning date of the interval, to: final date of the interval
landportal.info/api/indicators/<id>/regions_with_data Regions with observations for the given indicator  
landportal.info/api/indicators/<id>/regions_without_data Regions without observations for the given indicator  
landportal.info/api/indicators/<id>/average/range Average of the given indicator between two dates from: beginning date of the interval, to: final date of the interval
landportal.info/api/observations/<id>/<iso3>/average/range Average of the given indicator and country between two dates from: beginning date of the interval, to: final date of the interval
landportal.info/api/indicators/<id>/related Indicators with relation with the one given  
landportal.info/api/indicators/<id>/<iso3>/tendency Tendency of the given indicator in the given country  
landportal.info/api/regions/translations All region translations  
landportal.info/api/regions/translations/<region_id>/<lang_code> Region translation of the given region in the given language  
landportal.info/api/indicators/translations All indicator translations  
landportal.info/api/indicator/translations/<indicator_id>/<lang_code> Indicator translation of the given indicator in the given language  
landportal.info/api/topics/translations All topic translations  
landportal.info/api/topics/translations/<topic_id>/<lang_code> Topic translation of the given topic in the given language  
landportal.info/api/indicators/starred Indicators that are starred, normally those which are on the main page  

Outputs that can change depending on the language, have another parameter available, this is: lang, so you can use lang=fr to get it on French. Translations are available for: Regions, Countries, Indicators and Topics.

Some example outputs are:

_images/indicator.PNG _images/country.PNG


Graphics are based on a javascript library called wesCountry. wesCountry uses svg to show the requested graphic. You can access by simply put this URL on your web browser:


As you can see you can define what kind of chart you want to be showed, available charts are:

  • barchart: Chart with higher or lower bars for every value
  • linechart: Chart with dots representing the values. These dots are connected by lines.
  • areachart: Chart very similar to linechart, but this one colors the area below each line.
  • piechart: Chart that shows various pies divided with a percentage according to the values in the serie.
  • polarchart: Chart that shows three or more variables represented on axes starting from the same point.
  • scatterchart: Chart that shows various points but without connecting the dots
  • stackedchart: Chart similiar to bar chart, but values of the same year are represented in a stack
  • donutchart: Chart like pie chart but with a hole inside it
  • table: Table with the data
  • map: Map with highlighted countries and values if you pass over them

Also there are some arguments available to modify graph aspect or data. Available arguments are:

  • indicator: Id of the indicator to be showed, two indicators separated by comma in the case of scatterchart
  • countries: Iso3 of the countries to be included, separated by commas
  • colours: HTML codes without ‘#’ and separated by commas
  • xTag: Name for the x axis
  • yTag: Name for the y axis
  • title: Title for the graph
  • description: Description for the graph
  • from: Beginning date for the date range to filter data. Format required: ‘YYYYMMDD’
  • to: End date for the date range to filter data. Format required: ‘YYYYMMDD’

You can see below examples for barchart and piechart:

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