Source code for app.views

import flask_restful
import app
from app.sql_service import ReceiverSQLService
from app.rdf_service import ReceiverRDFService
import config
from rdflib import Graph

[docs]class Receiver(flask_restful.Resource): @staticmethod
[docs] def post(): """ Parse an XML and store the model mapping into the database. Receives an xml=... with the XML content to parse Returns a 200 response if everything went right or 400 if there is not any content to parse. """ host = config.TRIPLE_STORE_HOST triple_api = config.TRIPLE_STORE_API graph_uri = config.GRAPH_URI graph = Graph() user_ip = flask_restful.request.remote_addr if not _check_allowed_ip(user_ip): flask_restful.abort(403) if 'xml' in flask_restful.request.form: content = flask_restful.request.form['xml'] ReceiverSQLService(content.encode('utf-8')).store_data(user_ip) #ReceiverRDFService(content.encode('utf-8')).run_service(host=host, # api=triple_api, # graph_uri=graph_uri, # user_ip=user_ip, # graph=graph) else: flask_restful.abort(400)
def _check_allowed_ip(ip): """ Checks if an IP is allowed to send requests.""" if len(config.ALLOWED_IPS) == 0: return True else: return ip in config.ALLOWED_IPS api = flask_restful.Api( api.add_resource(Receiver, '/')