app package


app.parser module

class app.parser.Parser(content)[source]

Bases: object

Returns:list of compound indicators found in the XML file.
Returns:dataset data found in the XML file.
Returns:datasource data found in the XML file.
Returns:list of indicator groups found in the XML file.
Returns:license data of the XML file.
Returns:list of observations found in the XML files. Every observation comes with its ref_time, value and computation. Each observation has the fields ‘region_code’ (UN_code) and ‘country_code’ (ISO3) of the region they reffer to.
Returns:organization data found in the XML file. The organization ID is constructed with the domain name in the organization_url, for example will result in the ID ‘observatoire-foncier’.
Returns:list of simple indicators found in the XML file.
Returns:list of slices found in the XML files. Each slice has the fields ‘region_code’ (UN_code) and ‘country_code’ (ISO3) of the region they reffer to.
Returns:user data found in the XML file (whithout user_ip)

app.rdf_feeder module


app.rdf_service module

class app.rdf_service.ReceiverRDFService(content)[source]

Bases: object

Service that gets the xml input from the html request, generates RDF triples and store them in Virtuoso triple store

run_service(graph, host, api, graph_uri, user_ip)[source]

Run the ReceiverRDFService

  • graph – RDF graph.
  • graph_uri – RDF graph URI to be stored in the triple store.
  • host – Triple store host.
  • api – Triple store authentication api.
  • user_ip – IP from the invoker client.

RDF graph.

app.sql_service module

class app.sql_service.DBHelper[source]

Bases: object

Helper for querying the relational database.

static check_datasource(session, datasource_id)[source]

Find a DataSource in the DB. Returns None if not found.

static check_indicator_starred(session, indicator_id)[source]

Check if an Indicator is starred

static check_organization(session, organization_url)[source]
static check_user(session, user_id)[source]

Check if a user exists in the database using its ID

static find_compound_indicator(session, ind_id)[source]

Get a compound indicator by its ID

static find_country_id(session, country_code)[source]

Get the Country ID using its ISO3

static find_indicators(session, ids)[source]

Get all indicators in a list of IDs

static find_observations(session, ids)[source]

Get all observations in a list of IDs

static find_region_id(session, reg_code)[source]

Get the Region ID using its UN_CODE

class app.sql_service.ReceiverSQLService(content)[source]

Bases: object

Service that gets the xml input from the html request, generates SQL output and stores it into the configured relational database.


Stores the data in the XML into the relational database. :param user_ip: The IP of the user that calls the service. :raises: The exception that made the data storing fail. If an exception

occurs, nothing will be stored into the database.

app.views module

class app.views.Receiver[source]

Bases: flask_restful.Resource

endpoint = 'receiver'
methods = ['POST']
static post()[source]

Parse an XML and store the model mapping into the database.

Receives an xml=... with the XML content to parse Returns a 200 response if everything went right or 400 if there is not any content to parse.

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